It's time for another baked good. It's St. Patrick's Day weekend, it's not my fault. Beer and sugar just go so well together.
I recently found another fun blog, written by someone named Joy the Baker. In that blog there's tons of fun baked goods and the one recipe I decided to follow through with-the S'mores Icebox Candy Bars. Who doesn't love a good s'more? Better yet, who doesn't love a good s'more and lose all the work that goes along with it? I've been so tempted to make my own, direct from scratch (and yes, I have found recipes for all of that, from the marshmallows down to the graham crackers, thankyouverymuch, and may make those at a later date. We shall see.) but I found this recipe and thought how easy these would be and how tasty as well. These were made in about 15 minutes, and were almost immediately inhaled at the St. Patrick's Day festivities a friend of mine held in South Boston. They were a welcome change to the monsoon that was going on outside (and that two friends of mine and I ran that 5K in early this morning. I finished it, and managed to run the whole way. But that rain. Oh, that rain was miserable. I thought of those bars, sitting in the backseat of my car as I ran).
This particular "baked good" is not actually baked. It takes a whole lot of shortcuts. Although I do love me a home baked good made totally from scratch, I have a special place in my heart for the shortcuts. Really, when you spend that little time on a dessert and get so much enjoyment from eating it, wouldn't you make it all the time too?
Someone said today that eating this reminded them of summer. I totally agree. Especially when it has been raining very steadily since Friday afternoon. If this weather continues I might have to make another batch of this-I'll need to hope summer comes very quickly.
S'mores Icebox Candy Bars (from
3 sticks plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 c light corn syrup
pinch of salt
1 14-ounce box graham crackers, crumbled into large chunks
2 big handfuls of mini marshmallows, plus a handful more for sprinkling on top
Line a 9×13-inch pyrex dish with parchment paper, set aside.
In a large bowl, put in the graham cracker chunks. Add the mini marshmallows and set aside.
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter, cocoa, corn syrup salt. Stir and heat until smooth and totally melted. Let chocolate mixture cool for about 5 minutes.
Pour chocolate mixture over graham crackers and marshmallows. Stir completely and pour into casserole dish, and add a few more marshmallows on top (but do not completely cover the top with marshmallows. Make sure the mixture is level with the pan, so do whatever you feel is necessary-use a spatula, your hands, whatever (but if you use your hands, make sure you have something in between-wax or parchment paper-so you can try to keep your hands clean. Let cool and set somewhat on the counter for 30 minutes, then let set completely in the fridge overnight. Cut into bars and watch them totally disappear.
These are good! I ate way too many, but loved every minute of it!